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Nature of Children’s Phantasy

By Margaret Lowenfeld I propose this evening to demonstrate to you a form of psychotherapeutic treatment which I have successfully employed in dealing with children and adolescents...

The Modern Child and Toys

By Margaret Lowenfeld Toys are to a child what a grown-up is represented by his power of speech, his pen, pencil and typewriter, his motor car, his bicycle, his power of acting, co...

The Training of Child Psychotherapists

By Margaret Lowenfeld The Institute of Child Psychology was founded in 1928, under the name of the Children’s Clinic, at 10 Telford Road, London, W.10. Its purpose was to pro...

The Danger and Value of Curiosity

By Margaret Lowenfeld I feel it a great privilege to have the opportunity of speaking after two such excellent, fitting and really illuminating addresses, because my task is made ...

The Emotional Life of the Child

By Margaret Lowenfeld At the end of the last chapter we found that the child’s position is a reversal of the adult. Whereas the adult is convinced that the material things of...

Understanding the Child

By Margaret Lowenfeld Behind every child’s failure lies the failure of a parent and one of the most frequent causes of this tragedy is the gulf of misunderstanding between the ch...

Parents and Children

By Margaret Lowenfeld Quite a number of people are now beginning to realize that the question of emotional development lies somewhere near the real reason of the failure in educati...

Demonstration of Pre-Verbal and Symbolic Thinking

By Margaret Lowenfeld In this demonstration are presented: Actual Worlds: Four actual Worlds (A-D), as made by children and reset-up from the working diagrams recorded at the sessi...

The Mosaic Test

By Margaret Lowenfeld The Mosaic test arose out of a desire to find means through which individual difference between person and person could be expressed in a standardised medium....

The Nature of the Primary System

By Margaret Lowenfeld For the past twenty years, we have been studying children by methods the aim of which was to enable the children to talk, as it were, without the use of langu...

History of the Clinic

By Margaret Lowenfeld The Clinic was opened by Dr Margaret Lowenfeld on 25th October, 1928, 1’n rooms on the ground floor in the house owned by the North Kensington WomenR...

The Age of Danger and Delight

By Margaret Lowenfeld The second stage in development, that which comes between infancy and school years, is the period in life when sensations are at their keenest and emotions at...

The Use Of Lowenfeld Techniques In Individual Assessment

by Thérèse Woodcock Today’s subject is particularly reliant on your input: either due to recent work practices having changed or because your own work is not being covered by t...

Control of Heart Disease in Childhood

By Margaret Lowenfeld One of the most serious issues presented to practical medicine today is the problem of cardiac disease in the young. By the estimate of Dr. Carey Coombs the ...

On Protosystem Thinking & Lowenfeld Projective Play Therapy

by Thérese Woodcock on work by Margaret Lowenfeld Before we come to consider Lowenfeld’s concept of Protosystem Thinking, it may be useful to consider the more general, idea of ...

Child Psychotherapy and Margaret Lowenfeld

By Thérèse Woodcock Exploring Margaret Lowenfeld’s view of psychotherapy, particularly psychotherapy with children.

The Sensitive Child

By Margaret Lowenfeld One of the profound discoveries of modern life is the dependence of temperament upon bodily structure. For long it has been accepted that certain bodily build...

Children in English Culture

By Margaret Lowenfeld To form a relevant pattern, observations concerning a culture must emanate from a fixed standpoint whose general orientation is already known and against whic...

Helping the Child to Understand

By Margaret Lowenfeld In helping the child to understand, there are three points to bear in mind. A child comes into a world which is for his purposes peopled with three forces: ...

Playing and Learning with Poleidoblocs

Poleidoblocs are the coloured building bricks introduced by Dr Margaret Lowenfeld some 55 years ago, yet still sustain their popularity in many primary school classrooms. Many of t...
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