Books & Publications
Displaying 20 of 205 results
Play as Therapy
By Margaret Lowenfeld
Every small child stands in a double relationship to life. On the one hand he is ignorant, helpless and entirely at the mercy of the surrounding adults. On th...
Communication with Children
By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld
As the speed and the effectiveness of physical transit over the face of the globe increases daily, the achievement of effective communication between indiv...
Asthma in Childhood
By Margaret Lowenfeld
So much has been written about asthma, and even asthma in childhood, that it is impossible to make an adequate review of it. I propose therefore instead to ma...
Violence and Power
By Margaret Lowenfeld
One of the characteristics of many small children is the violence of their attacks of screaming (as infants) throwing objects and at times banging heads again...
The Significance of Play
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The word “PLAY” in the English language is curiously rich in its meaning. It is used for games, for the theatre- ”let us now go and see a play”—...
Types of Children
By Margaret Lowenfeld
Lectures in aid of the Children’s Clinic, which is now evacuate from London, exists to help parents and teachers to an understanding of all forms of childre...
Study of the Child’s Mind
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The difficulty which faces every student of the human mind, whether he be philosopher, psychologist, anthropologist or clinical psycho-pathologist, is that th...
Lowenfeld Mosaics and Psychotherapy
by Thérèse Woodcock
The Aims of this workshop: To give an experience of the nature of the therapeutic use of a Projective Instrument and the assessment potential of the Lowenfeld...
By Margaret Lowenfeld
A good deal of work has recently been done, reports of some of which are on the eve of publication, showing, among other things, the difference between the es...
A Patchwork of Mosaics
By Thérèse Woodcock
My interest in the use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test in the the study of cultural differences was first aroused by Dr. Rhoda Metraux when she came to the Inst...
Violence and Power
By Margaret Lowenfeld
One of the characteristics of many small children is the violence of their attacks of screaming (as infants) throwing objects and at times banging heads again...
Psychogenic factors in Disease in Childhood
By Margaret Lowenfeld
Consideration of the attitude of mankind towards disease and physical suffering, shows the existence of two streams of thought. In early days religion and, in...
Difficult, Nervous and Delinquent Children
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The training outlined in this provisional syllabus is designed for post-graduate men and women of all faculties. It owes its present shape to a demand arising...
The Design of Nursery Schools Today
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The 1944 Education Act, for the first time in English history, accepts the idea that it is the child that matters, and that schools and curricula should accor...
By Margaret Lowenfeld
In setting out to teach mathematics to children or to design a mathematics learning programme for a school system, the situation confronting the teacher, dire...
One Parent Family
By Margaret Lowenfeld
There are large numbers of children the have only one parent. Statistics are available of approximate numbers, but from the point of view of the teacher, thes...
Child Psychiatry and Children’s Medicine
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The subject I have been asked to put before you today is a discussion of the relation between Child Psychiatry and Children’s Medicine. I submit that th...
Training of Child Psychotherapists
By Margaret Lowenfeld
Before we proceed to the question of training in child psychotherapy, it is essential to spend a few minutes considering the nature of child psychotherapy its...
Organisation and the Rheumatic Child
By Margaret Lowenfeld
RHEUMATISM in childhood has been known since the early nineteenth century, but it is only within recent years that the numerical extent of the disease has bee...
Topical Problems of Psychotherapy
By Margaret Lowenfeld
The technical psychotherapeutic procedure called “The World Technique” arose gradually through direct psychotherapeutic work with children, in London. It ...