Books & Publications
Displaying 7 of 207 results
Mento-Emotional Processes of Children
by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld to the General Section of the British Psychological Society, Manchester, April 18th 1937
Thus any given knife may be lightly bluish in colour, smooth and ...
On the Subjective Making of a World
by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld
The purpose of this chapter is to study the subjective aspect of the making of a World, and to give some idea of what actually takes place within the indi...
Moral Training
By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld
(Co-Director of the Institute of Child Psychology)
(Report of the third of four lectures in a course of eight on the “Common Difficulties in Normal Child...
Emotional Development and Protosystem Thinking
by Thérèse Woodcock
As we have seen from the exposition of Protosystem Thinking, the nature of its working is very powerfully bound up with the emotions. The question may now be ...
Guidelines On How to Gain Contact With The Child’s World
by Thérèse Woodcock
We now come to making contact with the child’s world during the session. The first thing to remember is what I would like to call the Total Response (a term...
The Adolescent’s Search For Identity
by Margaret Lowenfeld at the Sixth Internation Congress of Child Psychiatry, held in Edinburgh between July 24-29 1966
My task is to attempt to present an approach to adolescent pr...