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An Institute for Child Psychology

By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld It was in 1938, that I managed to get on to a course of play therapy for children, run by Dr Margaret Lowenfeld and her willing helpers in Pembroke Villas ...

Position of Child Guidance Work in London and L.C.C

By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld February 1947 The whole subject of the Psychological work being carried out in London both under the L.C.C. directly and in other connections was reviewed ...

Interaction between Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

By Margaret Lowenfeld Objectives  The work of the proposed research unit has three objectives: Constitutional study It is desired to make use of the clinical material coming int...

Lowenfeld and Her Techniques for Expressive Communication

By Thérèse Woodcock on the work of Dr Margaret Lowenfeld We all understand that therapeutic work has to do with the personal experiences of the children and young people we see; ...

Poleidoblocs 1964

By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld In setting out to teach mathematics to .children or to design a mathematics learning ' programme for a school system, the situation confronting the te...

On Culture

By Thérèse Woodcock on the work of Margaret Lowenfeld Psychotherapy or therapy, for me, is about bringing our basic beliefs into consciousness. it is about communicating these be...

Developmental Profile of European Mosaics

By Thérèse Woodcock on the work of Dr Margaret Lowenfeld People often speak of children as developing individuals, as being mature or immature for their age. How do we know this?...

Guidelines on Background and Therapeutic Setting

By Therese Woodcock on the work of Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld. The Lowenfeld approach is: one of facilitating the child’s or adolescent’s own understanding of herself in her own te...

The Nature and Use of the World Technique

The Nature and Use of the World Technique by Margaret Lowenfeld During the last six weeks of my stay in the United States I have had occasion to meet and hear about certain uses to...

The Study and Treatment of Disturbed Children

The Study and Treatment of Disturbed Children by Margaret Lowenfeld I want to present to you some of the conceptions concerning both the nature of neurosis in children and the ther...

The Value of Play Therapy

The Value of Play Therapy by Margaret Lowenfeld To be successful a discussion upon anything must be based upon agreement as to the meaning of the terms to be discussed. It is worth...

The Problem of the Withdrawn Child

To illustrate the way in which the mode of approach which I have attempted to describe works out in individual cases, I want to take the problem of the withdrawn child. All psychi...


The Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Technique in the Study of Personality. By Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld When a test has been in use for many years in many countries and with an exceptiona...

Direct Projective Therapy

Advance in objective investigation can only be made through limitation of enquiry to specific fields. To be fruitful, an enquiry into any aspect of human behaviour needs instrument...

Some principles of child psychology

For any speaker whose contribution falls in the latter part of a conference there is the solid advantage that in the presentation of his theme he can make use of points of agreemen...

An Alternative Approach to Child Psychology

AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPY By Margaret Lowenfeld. Read at a meeting of The Medical Section of the British Psychological Society on 22nd March, 1950. The work of...

The Mosaic Test

Presentation by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld on the use of the Mosaic Test During the war, in America, at the Metal Hygiene Clinic of Bellevue and Queens Hospitals, and at the Neuro-Psyc...

Observations of clinical and theoretical interest

A collection of unrelated writings that have been attributed to Margaret Lowenfeld and stored in the Wellcome Trust Collection.

Margaret Lowenfeld: An Appreciation of her Contribution to Child Psychology

By Phyllis M. Traill and John Hood-Williams For the Journal of Child Psychotherapy – Vol. 3. No.3 December 1973 Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld died on February 2nd, 1973, aged alm...


By Dr Margaret Lowenfeld There are few subjects to which so little serious thought is given as pleasure. Pleasure in general is an aspect of life which has perhaps shown the gre...
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