The Mosaic Test

The Mosaic Test

  • About

    Presentation by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld on the use of the Mosaic Test

    During the war, in America, at the Metal Hygiene Clinic of Bellevue and Queens Hospitals, and at the Neuro-Psychiatric Institute Ann Arbor, two comprehensive investigations of the Mosaic Test have been made, the first on 1000 and the second on 160 subjects. These investigations and the reports on them made the choice of subject matter for this paper difficult. The conclusions drawn by the American observers and their relation to our own findings are so interesting that a discussion of them would be of real value for our further understanding of the test.

    But this would not fill the gap of which I am only too sadly aware, that there is no authoritative description available of the fundamentals of the test.
    I would like to take this opportunity to say to all those who have been struggling to use this test correctly how very sorry I am that no literature has appeared to date about it and to explain the reason for this omission. It has not been lack of willingness or that we have not ourselves taken the test seriously, but perhaps that we have taken it too seriously and not been willing to publish material concerning it which has the awful finality of a once published piece of work until we were sure of its implications and it is this very sureness that has been so difficult to achieve. There has also been the difficulty of reproduction of patterns made which has now been solved by the great kindness and most generous help of Mr Percy Harris Editor of the Miniature Photographic Magazine to whose cooperation it is due that I can today show you the first coloured lantern slides to be made of this test in Britain. In America owing to a grant from the Faculty Research Fund, Diamond and Shmale were able to record their designs in Kodachrome and to have the use of all the H technical means used in the Department, Electroencephalogram etc for the checking of clinical diagnoses.

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