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    The Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Technique in the Study of Personality.
    By Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld

    When a test has been in use for many years in many countries and with an exceptionally wide range of subjects, it is time to look again at the basic concepts which underlie the design of the test. A congress such as this brings material also for thought and discussion concerning the fresh light which can be thrown upon the structure of personality in widely separated Continents, by the use of this test.
    The Rorschach and the LMT share a common quality in that what they ask from the subject is a spontaneous response to a standardised set of stimuli.
    In the Rorschach test the subject is asked to describe in words the experience aroused in him by contemplation of the stimuli presented to him. In the LMT in contrast, he is asked to relate himself to a set of mosaic shapes arranged in the box before him: to look at them, handle them, select some of them and do something with them – anything that occurs to him – on a rimmed rectangular tray which is placed before him. The behaviour and the comments of the subject while responding to this invitation are noted by the investigator and when the subject states that he is finished, the investigator will discuss with him what he has made and again note his comments.

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