The Material: Poleidoblocs G

The Material: Poleidoblocs G

  • About

    by Ville Andersen on the work of Dr Margaret Lowenfeld

    A long time ago, after the first World War ended and before the cheerfulness of the thirties had developed, a printed leaflet appeared in the windows of the small shops in a poor quarter of N.W. London.

    All children are difficult sometimes, some children are difficult all the time.
    Some children seem always to be catching something and never to be quite well.
    Some children are nervous and find life and school too difficult for them.
    Some children have distressing habits.

    This clinic, which is in charge of a Physician, exists to help mothers in these kinds of trouble with their children, and also to help the children themselves.

    The purpose of the leaflet was to tell parents, teachers and anyone in the district interested in the welfare of children that a new Clinic had been opened in their district, and what kind of children the Clinic was designed to help. The Physician mentioned was myself, and with me worked one of the Science Lecturers at a College of the London University.

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