Notes on the Nature and Use of the Mosaic Test

Notes on the Nature and Use of the Mosaic Test

  • About

    By Margaret Lowenfeld

    The test material consists of a box of Mosaic Pieces which are standardised so that each shape is available in every colour.

    The collection of pieces comprises squares. right-angled triangles (which are the size of hall the square), diamonds (whose side is equal to the side of the square), equilateral triangles (whose side is equal to the base of the right-angled triangle), and scalene triangles (equal to half the equilateral triangle). The colours supplied are red. yellow, blue, green, black and white.

    In addition to the box of mosaics it is advisable to use an oblong tray which has a raised edge. and on which a piece of paper the exact size of the tray has been laid. (The usual size of the tray is 13 inches by 10% inches.)

  • Specification

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